- Roski
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Айну-русско-английский словарь. А.Ю. Акулов. 2009.
Айну-русско-английский словарь. А.Ю. Акулов. 2009.
Roski — Ulrich Roski (* 4. März 1944 in Prüm in der Eifel; † 20. Februar 2003 in Berlin) war ein deutscher Liedermacher, der seine größten Erfolge in den 1970er Jahren hatte. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Biographie 2 Diskographie 2.1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
róški — a o prid. (ọ̑) nanašajoč se na Rog: roški gozdovi ♦ zgod. roška ofenziva ofenziva italijanskih oboroženih sil na Dolenjskem od 16. julija do 4. novembra 1942, v kateri je sodelovala tudi bela garda … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Ulrich Roski — (* 4. März 1944 in Prüm in der Eifel; † 20. Februar 2003 in Berlin) war ein deutscher Liedermacher, der seine größten Erfolge in den 1970er Jahren hatte. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Biographie 2 Diskographie 2.1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Edward P. Roski — Edward P. Roski, Jr. (born in 1938) is a real estate billionaire in Los Angeles, California. Roski was rated #524 on Forbes 2008 list of wealthiest people and rated #163 on The Forbes s 400 Richest Americans as he has a net worth of approximately … Wikipedia
Ulrich Roski — (born March 4 1944, died February 20 2003 in Berlin) was a German singer songwriter who achieved his greatest successes in the 1970 s. His songs describe the little quirks hidden in everyone s everyday life, mixing laconic humour with linguistic… … Wikipedia
Ulrich Roski — (4 mars 1944 à Prüm en Rhénanie – 20 février 2003 à Berlin) est un auteur compositeur interprète allemand qui connut ses plus grands succès dans les années 1970. Ses chansons disaient les petits tracas du quotidien, mêlant dans ses one man shows… … Wikipédia en Français
Los Angeles Stadium — Los Angeles Football Stadium Location Industry, California Grand Crossing, California Coordinates … Wikipedia
History of the National Football League in Los Angeles — Professional American football, especially its established top level, the National Football League, has had a long history in Los Angeles, the center of the second largest media market in the United States. Since 1995, Los Angeles has been by far … Wikipedia
History of National Football League in Los Angeles — The National Football League had different professional American football teams in Los Angeles, California between 1946 through 1994. Los Angeles is the second largest media market in the United States. All the teams originally played in the Los… … Wikipedia
Parc national de Krka — Catégorie UICN II (parc national) Emplacement Comitat de Šibenik Knin, Dalmatie (Croatie) Ville proche Šibenik Coordonnées … Wikipédia en Français
Parc national de krka — Catégorie II de la CMAP (Parc national) … Wikipédia en Français